Non-refereed publications and other


Niu, Y., Rebischung, P., Altamimi, Z., Wei, N., Li, M.: Analysis of spatio-temporal correlations of IGS repro3 station position time series, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5578, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5578, 2022.

Strasser, S. Reprocessing multiple GNSS constellations and a global station network from 1994 to 2020 with the raw observation approach. Geodesy 3, Monograph Series of the Technical University of Graz, 2022.


Astafyeyva, E., Yasyukevich, Y., Yasyukevich, A., et al. High-latitude ionospheric irregularities during the 25-26 August 2018 geomagnetic storm as seen by ground-based and space-borne instruments. URSI GASS, Rome, Italy, September 2021.

Karegar, M., Engelhart, S., Kusche, J., et al. Reconciling geodetic and geologic estimates of coastal vertical land motion around the British Isles. EGU21, 23rd EGU General Assembly, onlne, April 2021.

Klos, A., Kusche, J., Lenczuk, A., et al. Benchmarking GPS stations: an improved way to identify the GPS sensitivity. EGU General Assembly, 2021.


Belehaki, A., Altadill, D., Segara, A., et al. Identification and monitoring techniques of TIDs in the H2020 TechTIDE project. EGU Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2020.

Bergeot, N., Habaulema, J., Chevalier, J., et al. Inter-hemispheric comparison of the ionosphere-plasmasphere system from multi-instrumental/model approach. EGU 2020.

Borries, C, Ferreira, A., Xiong, C., Alves, R., et al. Properties and generation of large scale travelling ionospheric disturbances during 8 September 2017, pdf. EGU General Assembly, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18107, May 2020.

Chevalier, J-M., Bergeot, N., Defraigne, P., Marque, C., Pinat, E. Solar radio burst interference index dedicated to GNSS single and double frequency users. EGU General Assembly 2020.

Klos, A., Karegar, M., Kusche, J., Springer, A. How much of GPS noise refers to hydrology loading? An insight from GRACE-assimilating hydrological modeling. EGU 2020.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C. Quality assessment of GNSS reference stations: Criteria and thresholds. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2020.

Liu, J., Chen, J., Liu, P., et al. Comparison between IGS and three ITRS realizations. Research Square, doi:10.21203/, September 2020.

Maddern, W., Pascoe, G., Gadd, M., Barnes, D., Yeomans, B., Newman, P. Real-time kinematic ground truth for the Oxford robot car dataset., February 2020.

Oelsmann, J., Passaro, M., Dettmering, D., Sanchez, L., Schwatke, C., Seitz, F. The zone of influence matching along-track coastal altimetry data with high-frequent tide gauge observations for vertical land motion estimation. 12th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, Frascati, February 2020.

Sánchez, L., Barzaghi, R. Activities and plans of the GGOS Focus Area Unified Height System. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-8625, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8625, 2020.

Turner, J. High Speed 2: Development in rail engineering survey grids. Civil Engineering Surveyor, September 2020.

Wang, R., Chen, J., Qu, W., et al. Accuracy degradation analysis of ITRF. China Satellite Navigation Conference, Chengdu, China, 2020.

Ward, R., Rivett, M., Smedley, G., et al. Recommendations for environmental baseline monitoring in areas of shale gas development. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/18/043, 117pp, 2020.


Bogusz, J., Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F., Klos, N. Using the vertical land movement estimates from the IGS TIGA combined solution to derive global mean sea level changes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2019.

Gobron, K., de Viron, O., van Camp, M., et al. Spatial behavior of time-correlated noise in the position time series of 10,000 GPS stations. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2019.

Habboub, M., Psimoulis, P., Bingley, R. Temporal and spatial analysis of GNSS network data for detection of anomalies. 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), Athens, Greece 15-17 May 2019.

Jones, J., Guerova, G., Dousa, J., et al. COST Action ES1206 Final Action dissemination Report. Advanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate. Springer Nature 2019.

Matviichuk, B., Watson, C. Estimating tidal deformations with GPS+GLONASS: results from the UK and New Zealand. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.12621.79846, December 2019.

Pacione, R., Pottiaux, E. JWG 4.3.8: GNSS tropospheric products for climate, Final report of the 2015-19 IAG project GNSS for Climate, 2019.

Rickards, L., Matthews, A., Bradshaw, E. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) Report 2017-2018.

Schreiter, L., Scherliess, L., Stolle, C. The earth's ionopshere, processes and measurement techniques. SFB-1294, Potsdam, Germany, January 2019.

Steffen, R., Legrand, J., Steffen, H., et al. Deformation model for Europe: application of the least-square collocation. EGU, Tallin, Estonia, 2019.

van Casteren, R. A 3D glacial isostatic adjustment model for northwestern Europe. MSc thesis. Delft University of Technology. July 2019.


Bezborodova, K. GNSS meteorology in support of severe weather forecasting. MSC thesis. Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2018.

Bruyninx, C., Legrand, J., Fabian, A., Pottiaux, E. Monitoring of Permanent GNSS networks used for accessing the terrestrial reference frame. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, Califiornia, USA, 14-22 July 2018.

Bruyninx, C., Bergeot, N., Chatzinikos, M., Chevalier, J-M., Fabian,A., Legrand, J., Pottiaux, E., Voet, P., De Doncker, F. National Report of Belgium. Symposiumof the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF). Amsterdam, Netherlands, 30 May–1 June, 2018.

Chuter, S., Sha, Z., Schumacher, M., Bamber, J., Bates, P., et al. First results from an integrated approach for estimating GIA, land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends within a complete, coupled Earth system framework. EUREF Symposium, Amsterdam, The Nertherlands, 2018.

Deprez, A., Socquet, A., Cotte, N., Walpersdorf, A. Toward the generation of EPOS-GNSS products: Massive GNSS processing and evaluation of a statistical approach for the velocity field computation. 19th General Assembly of WEGENER: on Earth deformation, Grenoble, France, September 2018.

Fox., N. EURAMET project - Metrology for Earth observation and climate (MetEOC2). Final Report, May 2018.

Ganas, A., Kapetanidis, V., Nilfouroushan, F., Steffen, H., et al. Developments on the EPOS-IP strain rate product. 36th General Assembly of European Seismological Commission, Malta, September 2018.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Hansen, D., et al. National Report of Great Britain 2018. EUREF Symposium, Amsterdam, The Nertherlands, 2018.

Habboub, M., Psimoulis, P.A., Bingley, R. Detecting anomalous behaviours in the GNSS coordinate time series of the NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) network. Proceedings of EGU General Assembly, p.601, Vienna, Austria, April 2018.

Habboub, M., Psimoulis, P.A., Bingley, R. Detecting meteorological events in the GNSS IWV time series of the NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) network. Proceedings of EGU General Assembly, p.614, Vienna, Austria, April 2018.

Habboub, M., Psimoulis, P.A., Bingley, R., Rothacher, M. A multiple algorithm approach to the analysis of GNSS coordinate time series for detecting geohazards and anomalies. Proceedings of EGU General Assembly, p.595, Vienna, Austria, April 2018.

Harrison, A.M., Novellino, A., Hobbs, P.R.N., Wang, L., Bee, E. Local scale investigation and advanced modelling of the geo-hazards affecting the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage case study site. Technical report: WP6: Local scale investigation and advanced modelling; Deliverables: D.05.02. 12/09/2018.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C. Quality assessment of the EPN multi-year position and velocity solution. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, Califiornia, USA, 14-22 July 2018.

Novellino, A., Harrison, A., Bee, E., Wang, L., Hobbs, P., et al. Characterising and modelling geohazard susceptibility in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Derwent Valley Mills (UK). Proceedings of EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2018.

Novellino, A., Harrison, A.M., Hobbs, P.R.N., Wang, L., Bee, E. Local scale investigation and modelling of geohazards at the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site. Workshop at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 23 March 2018.

Nowell, D. Ben Nevis and geologically driven changes in elevation. Geology Today, Vol.34, issue 4, pp147-154, doi:10.1111/gto.12235, July/August 2018.

Sanchez, L. Strategy for the establishment of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Symposium SIRGAS2018, Aguascalientes, Mexico, October 11, 2018.

van Malderen, R., Berckmans, J., Pottiaux, E., Pacione, R. Evaluation of the atmospheric water vapor content in the regional climate model ALARO-0 using GNSS observations from EPN Repro2. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-13233, EGU General Assembly 2018.

Yasyukevich, Y.V., Zhivetiev, I,V., Kiselev, A.V., Edemskiy, I,K., Syrovatsky, S.V., Shabalin, A.S., Vesnin, A.M. Tool for creating maps of GNSS total electron content variations. Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, (Ed. Chew, W.C., He, S.) pp.2417-2421, 2018.


Ahmed, F., Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M. Evaluation of ERA-Interim for tropospheric delay and water vapour estimation in different climate zones using ground-based GNSS observations. European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2017.

Berckmans, J., Malderen v.d., R., Pottiaux, E., Pacione, R. Evaluation of the atmospheric water vapor content in the regional climate model ALARO-0 using GNSS observations. EUREF Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland, May 2017.

Brockmann, E., Zurutuza, J, Caporali, A. Towards an European Dense Velocities Field. EUREF Symposium, pp.1–17, Wroclaw, Poland, May 2017.

Bruyninx, C., Araszkiewicz, A., Brockmann, E., et al. EUREF Network Technical Report 2016, in IGS Technical Report 2016.

Drescher, R., Chen, X. Navigation satellite system positioning involving the generation of correction information. United States Patent No: US 10,281,587,B2, May 7, 2019.

Fernandes, R., Bos, M., Bruyninx, C., Crocker, P., et al. EPOS – Improving the infrastructure for GNSS data and products in Europe. FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, May 2017.

Fleury, R. GPS et ionosphere. Twelfth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, UN Office for Outer space affairs, Japan, December 2017.

Garcia-Rigo, A., Roma-Dollase, D., Hernandez-Pajares, M., Zishen, L., Terkildsen, M., et al. St. Patrick's Day 2015 geomagnetic storm analysis based on real time ionosphere monitoring. EGU General Assembly 2017.

Gomes, A.A., Teixeira, J., Soares, L. Sea level changes at Europe: tide gauge and GPS data.8° Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia - Geomorfologia, Portugal, 2017.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Hansen, D., et al. National Report of Great Britain 2017. EUREF Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland, 2017.

Hoque, M., Jakowski, N., Berderman, J. Ionospheric effects over Europe during the solar eclipse on 20 March 2015. Proceedings of 19th EGU General Assembly, p.4540, Vienna, Austria, April 2017.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Abraha, K.E., Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelman, G., Schone, T., Deng, Z., Bingley, R.M., et al. A new global vertical land movement data set from the TIGA combined solution. EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 2017.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Abraha, K.E., Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelman, G., Schone, T., Deng, Z., Bingley, R.M., et al. On the scientific applications of IGS Products: an assessment of the reprocessed TIGA solutions and combined products. IGS Workshop 2017, Pathways to Improved Precision, Paris, France, July 2017.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Abraha, K.E., Santamaria-Gomez, A., Gravelle, M., Woppelman, G., Schone, T., Deng, Z., Bingley, R.M., et al. A global vertical land movement data set from a combination of Global Navigation Satellite System solutions. International WCRP/IOC Conference 2017 Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts, New York, USA, July 2017.

Husson, L., Bodin, T., Choblet, G., Kreemer, C. Probabilistic reconstruction of GPS vertical ground motion and comparison with GIA models. Proc. 19th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2017.

Knight, P.J. Tidal measurements for coastal resilience and survey (using GPS-reflectometry). Sea level & coastal change group, SLaCC (QRA research group) Conference, Liverpool, September 2017.

Li, W., Shen, Y. Assessment of noise in non-tectonic displacement derived from GRACE time-variable gravity field. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2017.

Mancini, A., Deeks, L, K., Simmons, R W., Truckwell, I., Pawlett, M. Field trial to investigate the role of cover crops in reducing runoff and soil erosion in maize. Douglas Bomford Trust publication, 2017.

Morales Maqueda, M.A., Penna, N., Foden, P.R., Martin, I., Cipollini, P., Williams, S.D., Pugh, J.P. Measuring sea surface height with a GNSS-Wave Glider. Proceedings of 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, 23-28 April, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Nielsen, K., Knudsen, P., Andersen, Ole.B., Hughes, C.C., Gravelle, M., Bingham, R., Fenoglio-Marc, L. Summary Report of the GOCE++ Project: GOCE++ dynamic topography at the coast and tide gauge unification GOCE ++ DYCOT. ESTEC Ref: ITT AO/1-8194/15/NL/FF/gp.

Sanchez, L., Ihde, J., Pail, R., et al. Towards a first realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). EGU General Assmnbly, Vienna, Austria, April 2017.

Tsugawa, T., Ishii, M. Recent activities of ionospheric observations in NICT. INAG-GASS 2017.

Tsugawa, T., Nishioka, M., Ishii, M. Ionospheric space weather studies using high-resolution GNSS total electron content observations. UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, 12th Twelfth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), Kobe, Japan, 2 December 2017.


Ampadzidis, D., Konig, R., Glaser, S., et al. The assessment of the transformation of global tectonic plate models and the global terrestrial reference frames using the Velocity Decomposition Analysis (VEDA). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.

Bartlett, O., Gurau, C., Marchegiani, L., Posner, I. Enabling intelligent energy management for robots using publicly available maps. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systesm (IROS), Daejon, Korea, October 2016.

Bruyninx, C. Observing Europe: networking the Earth observation networks in Europe (ENEON). First Workshop, Paris, 21-22 September, 2016.

Damy, S., Majumdar, A., Ochieng, W.Y. GNSS-based high accuracy positioning for railway applications. Proceedings of the 2016 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, pp.1003-1014, Monterey, California, January 2016.

Dara, R., Krause, S., Rivett, M. Geophysical controls of aquifer-river exchange flow patterns in a UK lowland meandering river. EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria

EPOS. EPOS-IP WP10: services and data provision for the GNSS community. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2016.

Geng, J., Li, X. Undifferenced GLONASS ambiguity resolution over inhomogeneous stations: Introducing ionosphere corrections or resolving ionosphere free ambiguities? Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016), Portland, oregon, USA, September 2016.

Geng, J., Bock, Y. GLONASS inter-frequency bias and PPP ambiguity resolution across inhomogeneous receivers. IGS Workshop. Sydney, Australia, 8-12 February, 2016.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Hansen, D., et al. National Report of Great Britain 2016. EUREF Symposium, San Sebastian, Spain, 2016.

Grenfell, S.E., Callaway, R.M., Grenfell, M.C., Bertell, C.M., Mendzil, A.F., Tew, I. Will a rising sea sink some estuarine wetland ecosystems? Science of The Total Environment, Vols.554–555, pp.276-292, June 2016.

Hibbert, A., Williams, S.D.P., Cipollini, P., Calafat, F., Cotton, D. Sea and land level trends around the UK from tide gauge, coastal altimeter and GPS time series. Challenger Society Conference, Liverpool,2016.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Abraha, K.E., Bingley, R.M., Hansen, D. Error analysis of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Center stacked solutions. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2016.

Hunegnaw, A., Klos, A., Hansen, D., Teferle, N., Abraha, K., Bingley, R.M., Bogusz, J. A new vertical land movements data set from a reprocessing of GNSS at tide gauge stations. IAG/CPGPS International Conference on GNSS+ (ICG+ 2016) Advances, Opportunities and Challenges, Shanghai, China, July 27-30, 2016.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N. Combination of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Centre from repro2 solutions. EGU General Assembly, 16981-X2-315, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N. Quality assessment of BLT Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) repro2 solutions. IGS Workshop, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 8-12 February, 2016.

Klos, A., Teferle, F.N., Hunegnaw, A., Ahmed, F., Abraha, K.E., Bogusz, J. On the Properties of Zenith Total Delay Time Series from Reprocessed GPS Solutions. IAG/CPGPS International Conference on GNSS+ (ICG+ 2016) - Advances, Opportunities and Challenges, Shanghai, China, July 2016.

Lyubushin, A. Hierarchically Fourier-aggregated signals and generalized coherence of the noise in the GPS time series. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016.

McDonald, K., Kolbe, T., Dara, R., Weatherill, J., Hannah, D., Krause, S. The importance of spatial complexity in improving performance of groundwater-surface water models. EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria

Pacione, R., Di Tomaso, S. A reference GNSS tropospheric dataset over Europe. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.

Rodríguez-Bouza, M., Miguel Herraiz, M., Rodríguez-Caderot, G., Radicella, S.M. Ionospheric TEC disturbance during the Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone occurred on November 2014. International Beacon Satellite Symposium BSS-2016, Trieste, Italy, 2016.

Rodríguez-Bouza, M., Miguel Herraiz, M., Rodríguez-Caderot, G., Paparini, C., Otero, X., Radicella, S.M. Comparison between the effect of two geomagnetic storms with the same seasonal and daily characteristics and different intensity on the European ionosphere. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2779.1768, 2016.

Sanchez, L. Advances in the implementation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Symposium SIRGAS2017, Mendoza, Argentina, November 2017.

Seitz, M., Angermann, D., Blossfeld, M., Gerstl, M., Muller, H. ITRS Combination Centres: Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM), Reports of IERS Components - ITRS Combination Centres, 2016.

Stockamp, J., Li, Z. Extracting small and long-wavelength vertical land surface movements from an InSAR time series: The case of glacial isostatic ddjustment in Scotland. American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016

Williams, S. D. P., Hughes, C.W. GNSS at tide gauges for mean dynamic topography: conventional measurements and multipath reflectometry. Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, La Rochelle, France, 2016.

Yu, C., Li, Z., Penn, N.T. Generation of high resolution water vapour fields from GPS and integration with ECMWF and MODIS, AGU Fall Meeting, 2016.


Ahmed, F., Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R. An analysis of global climate variability from homogenously reprocessed GNSS measurements. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2015.

Altamimi, Z. Reference frame representations of the deformable Earth: Scientific Colloquium of Leibniz-Society of Sciences (Grafarend-75), Berlin, February 13, 2015.

Azcue, E., Sanchez, J.A., Valdes, M. IGE EUREF LAC Report, Instituto Geografico Nacional, Spain. EUREF LAC Workshop, Bern, October 2015.

Bergeot, N., Chevalier, J-M., Bruyninx, C. Climatological behavior of the ionospheric total electron content over Europe for the period 1998-2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2015-6363, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

Bergeot, N., Chevalier, J-M., Bruyninx, C. Performance of ROB's near real-time ionospheric product during normal and disturbed space weather periods. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.17, EGU2015-5084, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

Bruyninx, C., Araszkiewicz, A., Brockman, E., et al. EPN Regional Network Associate Analysis Center Technical Report 2015.

Casula, G. GPS data processing of five years of more than 300 permanent station database with the distributed sessions approach in Italian Peninsula. Proc.1st International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/ecrs-1-b00 July 2015.

Cherniak, Iu., Zakharenkova, I., Krankowski, A. Study of the ionosphere irregularities caused by space weather activity on the base of GNSS measurements. Proceedings of 14th Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2015), Alexandria, VA, USA, May 2015.

Chevalier, J-M., Bergeot, N., Marque, C., Aerts, W., Bruyninx, C. Effect of solar radio bursts on GNSS signal reception over Europe for the period 1999-2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.17, EGU201511119, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

Feng, G., Jin, S. Sea level changes along global coasts from satellite altimetry, GPS and tide gauge, (Chapter 5) doi:10.5772/58972, in Satellite Positioning - Methods, Models and Applications, Edited by Shuanggen Jin, ISBN 978-953-51-1738-4, 212 pages, Publisher:InTech, Chapters published March 11, 2015 under CC BY 3.0 license, doi:10.5772/58486.

Gravelle, M., Santamaria-Gomez, A. Reanalysis of GPS data over 1995-2014 to monitor tide gauges for sea level studies. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.17, EGU201515478, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F et al. National Report of Great Britain 2015. EUREF Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, 2015.

Hugnenaw, A., Teferle, F.N. A multi-year combination of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Center Products. EGHU, 2015.

Hugnenaw, A., Teferle, F.N. Assessment of BLT Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) repro2 solutions. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 14-18 December, 2015.

Jemmett-Smith, B., Ross, A., Sheridan, P., Vosper, S., Hughes, J. A case study of cold air pool evolution in hilly terrain using field measurements from COLPEX. 33rd International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Innsbruck, Austria, August 2015.

Kenyeres, A., Horvath, T., Stangl, G., Garayt, B., Hansen, D., et al. Regional densification of the ITRF through the integration of national active GNSS network products. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.17, EGU2015-9591, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

McDonald, K. S., Krause, S., Hannah, D. M., Dara, R., Kolbe, T., Weatherill, J. Does increasing complexity improve the performance of groundwater-surface water models? American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015.

Pacione, R., Jones, J., Guerov, G., Dousa, J., et al. COST Action ES1206, Advanced global navigation satellite systems tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate (GNSS4SWEC). EUREF Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, 2015.

Rebischung, P., Garayt, B., Altamimi, Z., Collilieux, X. The IGS contribution to ITRF2014. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, 28 June 2015.

Rodriguez-Bouza, M., Herraiz, M., Rodriguez-Caderot, G., Radicella, S. Behavior of the ionosphere over Europe during two geomagnetic storms which caused tongues of ionization over North America. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.17, EGU2015-3697, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April, 2015.

Stockamp, J., Zhenhong, Li., Bishop, Paul., Hansom, J., Rennie, A., Petrie, E., Tanaka, A., Bingley, R., Hansen, D. Investigating glacial isostatic adjustment in Scotland with InSAR and GPS observations. Proceedings of the FRINGE Workshop 2015, Frascati, Italy, 23-27 March, 2015.

Tretyak, K., Dosyn, S. Reconstruction of vertical movements of the earth's crust, according to tide gauge observations. EUREF Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, 2015.

Vieira, T., Fernandez, M.J., Lazaro, C. Aplicaç&o dos GNSS à avaliação da estabilidade de radiómetros de microondas e de modelos atmosféricos globais. Conferencia Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, Portugal, 29 October 2015.

Williams, S.D.P., Nievinski, F. G. Tropospheric delays in ground based GNSS multipath reflectometry, GNSS+R 2015 Workshop, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 2015.


Ahmed, F., Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R. An analysis of global climate variability from homogenously reprocessed GNSS measurements. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA,15-19 December 2014.

Ahmed, F., Teferle, N., Bingley, R., Hunegnaw, A. A comparative analysis of tropospheric delay estimates from network and precise point positioning processing strategies. IGS Workshop, Caltech, Pasadena, 2014.

Bogusz, j., Figurski, M., Klos, A., Araskiewicz, A. The latitude dependencies in the stochastic part of EUREF permanent network time series. 14th SGEM GeoConference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Albena, Bulgaria, 2014.

Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Brockman, E., Caporali, A., Dach, R., Dousa, J., et al. Implementation of the ETRS89 in Europe current status and challenges. REFAG2014, Luxembourg, Oct.13-17, 2014.

Caporali, A. Reprocessing of the CEGRN network and its impact on the geodynamics of Central Europe. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, April 2014.

Cherniak, I., Krankowski, A., Zakhareenkova, I. Observation of the ionospheric irregularities over the Northern Hemisphere: Methodology and Service. IGS Workshop, Pasadena, California, USA, June 2014.

Cowles, P., Clarke, P., Penna, P., Liang, Q. Near-field GNSS for real-time tsunami early warning systems. WEGENER 17th General Assembly, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September, 2014.

Damy, S., Ochieng, W., Majumdar, A. Space-based technologies to support railway operations, Imperial SpaceLab 2014 , London, September 2014.

Deng, Z., Gendt, G., Schone, T. TIGA reprocessing at GFZ; IGS Workshop, 23-27 June, 2014, Pasadena, USA.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F et al. National Report of Great Britain 2014. EUREF Symposium, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 2014.

Hinterberger, F., Weber, R., Huber, K., et al. Determination of uncalibrated phase delays for real-time PPP. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, April 2014.

Jemmet-Smith, B. Ross, A., Sheridan, P., Hughes J. Sensitivity of cold air pool evolution in hilly terrain regions. 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Leeds, UK, 9 June 2014.

Kenyeres, A., Horvath, T., Caporali. A., Drosčak, B., Franke, P., Garayt, B., Georgiev, I., Gianniou, M., Hansen, D., Huisman, L., Jumare, I., Nagl, J., Pihlak, P., Ryczywolski, M., Stangl, G., Valdes, M. EPN Densification: Status report. Presented at EUREF2014 Symposium, Vilnius, Lithuania, 4-6 June 2014.

Kenyeres, A., Horvath, T., Caporali. A., Brockmann, E., Drosĉak, B., Franke, P., Garayt, B., Giannou, M., Georgiev, I., Hansen, D., Huisman, L., Jumare, I., Nagl, J., Pihlak, P., Ryczywolski, M., Stangl, G., Valdes, M. Global Reference Frame densification based on the integration of regional and national active GNSS network products. IGS Workshop, Pasadena, California, 23–27 June 2014.

Kenyeres, A., Horvath, T., Caporali. A., Drosĉak, B., Franke, P., Garayt, B., Giannou, M., Georgiev, I., Hansen, D., Huisman, L., Jumare, I., Nagl, J., Pihlak, P., Ryczywolski, M., Stangl, G., Valdes, M. European dense velocity field based on the integration of EPN and the national active GNSS network products. REFAG 2014 Symposium, Luxembourg, 13-17 October, 2014.

Krankowski, A., Cherniak, I., Zakharenkova, I. GNSS monitoring of the ionospheric irregularities over the Northern Hemisphere for space weather applications. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.16, EGU2014-8280, EGU General Assembly, 2014.

Kreemer, C., Klein, E., Shen, Z-K., M. Wang., L. Estey., S. Wier., Boler, F. Global geodetic strain rate model. GEM Technical Report 2014-07 V1.0.0, 129pp, GEM Foundation, Pavia, Italy. March 2014. doi:10.13117/GEM.GEGD.TR2014.07.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C., Crawymer, M., Dawson, J., Griffiths, J., et al. IAG WG "Integration of dense velocity fields in the ITRF": Results and lessons learned. IGS Workshop, Caltech, Pasadena, 2014.

Liu, B., Dai, W., Peng, W., Meng, X. Spatio-temporal analysis of the land subsidence in the UK using independent component analysis. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, Changsha, China, June 2014.

Mahouf, J-F., Ahmad, F., Moll, P., Teferle, N., Bingley, R.M. Assimilation of zenith total delays in the AROME France convective scale model: a recent assessment. Workshop ES1206 – GNSS4SWEC, Munich, Germany, February 2014.

Morales Maqueda, M.-A., Penna, N., Williams, S., Foden, P., Martin, I., Pugh, J. GNSS Wave Glider: First results from Loch Ness and demonstration of its suitability for determining the marine geoid. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2014.

Pacione, R., Pace, B., Bianco, G. An homogeneously reprocessed zenith total delay long-term time series over Europe. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.16, EGU2014-2945, EGU General Assembly 2014.

Schone, T., Bingley, R., Deng, Z., Griffiths, J., et al. IGS Technical Report 2014 - Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Working Group Technical Report 2014.

Shagimuratov, I., Cherniak, I., Zakharenkova, I., Yakimova, G. The methodology of regional TEC maps generation and service for data processing and TEC product access. Proceedings of International Conference Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety, (AIS-2014), Kaliningrad, 2014. ISBN 978-5-9971-0313-2

Sidorov, D., Teferle, F.N. Impact of station GNSS antenna phase centre calibrations on satellite orbits and station coordinates: Preliminary results. IAG Commission 1 Symposium 2014: Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014), Luxembourg, Kirchberg, 13-17 October, 2014.

Vedel, H., de Haan, S., Jones, J., Offiler, D., Halloran, G. E-GVAP, IGS Workshop, California, USA, 2014.

Wilken, V., Jakowski, N., Berderman, J. Potential of an ionospheric disturbance index to estimate the ionospheric impact on GNSS. 11th European Space Weather Week, Liege, Belgium, November 2014.


Ahmed, F., Teferle, N., Bingley, R., Laurichesse, D. Assessing the status of GNSS data processing systems to estimate integrated water vapour for use in numerical weather prediction models. IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, IAG 150 Years, Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

Banville, S., Collins, P., Lahaye, F. Compatibility of receiver types for GLONASS widelane ambiguity resolution. PPP Workshop, Ottawa, Canada, June 2013.

Bos, M., Fernandes, R., Williams, S., Bastos, L. The noise properties in GPS time-series at European stations revisited. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.15, EGU2013-12825, EGU General Assembly, 2013.

Bruyninx, C., Brockman, E., Habrich, H., et al. EUREF Permanent Network. IGS Technical Report, May 2013.

Chevalier, J-M., Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Legrand, J., Pottiaux, E., Baire, Q., Defraigne, P., Aerts, W. Near real-time ionospheric products from the European permanent network GPS data. International Beacon Satellite Symposium, BSS 2013. Bath, UK, 2013.

Drewes, H., Hornik, H. (Editors). Report of the International Association of Geodesy 2011-2013. IAG Scientific Assembly Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

Gravelle, M., Santamaria-Gomez, A., Woppelmann, G., Tiphaneau, P. Statistics on the dedicated GPS at tide gauge reanalysis of ULR for 1994-2012. EGU, Vienna, March 2013.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F et al. National Report of Great Britain 2013. EUREF Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R., Hansen, D. Status of reprocessing and combinations of TIGA Analysis Center solutions at BLT. IAG Scientific Assembly, IAG 150 Years, Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

Jivall, L. Simplified transformations from ITRF2008/IGS08 to ETRS89 for maritime applications. A publication by the Swedish Ordnance Survey - Lantmäteriet Informationsförsörjning Geodesi. 2013.

Jokinen, A., Feng, S., Schuster, W. et al. Fixed ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) using tropospheric corrections based on Numeric Weather Modeling (NWM). Proceedings of the ION 2013 Pacific PNT Meeting, Honolulu, April 2013.

Jones, J., Guerova, G., Bock, O. et al. ES1206: Advanced GNSS tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate. EUREF, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.

Jones, J. GNSS and Weather Forecasting. GfG2 Summer School, GFZ, Potsdam, 2013.

Kenyeres, A., Caporali, A., Brockmann, E., Drosĉak, B., Franke, P., Garayt, B., Georgiev, I., Hansen, D., Jumare, I., Nagl, J., Pihlak, P., Ryczywolski, M., Stangl, G., Valdes, M. Dense regional velocity field realization based on the integration of the national active GNSS network products. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 9–13 December, 2013.

Kreemer, C., et al. The UNAVCO GEM (Global Earthquake Model) Strain Rate Model, 2013.

Kreemer, C.W., Blewitt, G., Klein, E.C., et al. A new global geodetic strain rate model. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract G43C-03, 2013.

Kruczyk, M., Mazur, A. Tropospheric delay (ZTD) and precipitable water data from COSMO model vs. geodetic GPS network data. COSMO Newsletter No.13, April 2013.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C., Saria, E., Griffiths, J., et al. Integration of dense velocity fields in the ITRF: Quantification and mitigation of inconsistencies between individual solutions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2013.

Penna, N., Morales-Maqueda, M., Williams, S.D.P. et al. GNSS Wave Glider: First results from Loch Ness and demonstration of its suitability for determining the marine geoid. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract G53B-0914, 2013.

Sidorov, D., Teferle, F.N. Antenna phase centre calibration effects on position time series: preliminary results. IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, IAG 150 Years, Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

Steffen, H., Lidberg, M. First steps in the development of a EUREF velocity model. EUREF, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.

Steffen, H., Lidberg, M., Altamimi, Z. et al. Development of the EUREF velocity model - status and roadmap for future work. EGU General Assembly, 2013.

Tsugawa, T., Nishioka, M., Saito, A., Otsuka, Y., Saito, S., Maruyama, T., Nagatsuma, T., Murata, K., Ishii, M. High-resolution ionospheric total electron content observations using dense GNSS receiver networks. EIWAC Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, February 2013.

Tsugawa, T., Nishioka, M., Saito, S., Saito, A., Otsuka, Y., Ishii, M. Dense regional and worldwide international GNSS-TEC observation (DRAWING-TEC) project. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop, Poland, 2013.

Webb, S., Penna, N., Clarke, P.J. Estimation of precipitable water vapour using kinematic GNSS precise point positioning over an altitude range of 1 km. AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract G53A-0891, 2013.

White, A., Hanley, M.E., Masselink, G.,. Blake, W.H. et al. Managing the retreat: understanding the transition to salt marsh in coastal realignment projects. International Coastal Symposium, Book of Abstracts, 2013.


Ahmed, F., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M. First zenith total delay and integrated water vapour estimates from the near real-time GNSS data processing systems at the University of Luxembourg. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

Ahmed, H., Teferle, N., and Bingley, R.M. An evaluation of real-time, near real-time and post-processed zenith total delay estimates. IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Ahmed, F., Teferle, F. N., Bingley, R. M. First zenith total delay and integrated water vapour estimates from the near real-time GNSS data processing systems at the University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg Earth Observations and Integrated Applications Day, Luxembourg, March 2012.

Ahmed, F., Teferle, N., Bingley, R. M., Laurichesse, D. An evaluation of real-time zenith total delay estimates. Abstract G11A-0907, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2012.

Ahmed, F., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Bareiss, J. GNSS meteorology in Luxembourg. Cahier scientifique - Revue Technique Luxembourgoise pp.16-22, 2012.

Altamimi, Z. ITRS, ETRS89, their relationship and realisation; EUREF Symposium, Saint Mande, France, June 2012.

Baire, Q., Pottiaux, E., Bruyninx, C. et al. Impact of individual GNSS antenna calibration used in the EPN on positioning. EUREF Symposium, Paris, June 2012.

Bennitt, G.V., Schuele, T. An assessment of zenith total delay corrections from numerical weather prediction models. EGU2012-11292. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

Bock, O., Garayt, B., Bar-Sever, Y., Byun, S. Analysis of long time series of reprocessed GPS total column water vapour estimates; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

Bruyninx, C. EUREF's efforts to meet the challenge of the changing geodetic landscape; 8th FIG Regional Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2012.

Chevalier, J.M., Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Pottiaux, E. New near real-time monitoring of the ionosphere over Europe; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

Dousa, J. Global near real-time, multi-GNSS and ultra-fast troposphere estimation at Geodetic Observatory Pecny. IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Hansen, D.N., Appleby, G., Sherwood, R., Clarke, P., King, M., Penna, N., Bingham, R., Edwards, S., Moore, P. National Report of Great Britain 2012, EUREF Symposium, Saint Mande, France, June 2012.

Jemmet-Smith, B. Investigating the typical occurrance of cold-air-pools during the COLd-air-Pool EXperiment (COLPEX). 15th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, August 2012.

Jokinen, A., Feng, S.J., Schuster, W., Ochieng, W., Hide, C., Moore, T., Hill, C., Milner, C. Improving fixed-ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) convergence time and accuracy by using GLONASS. Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2012), Nashville, TN, USA, September 2012.

Jones, J., Pottiaux, E., Guerova, G., Dousa, J., Dick, G., Bock, O., Pacione, R., Elgered, G., Vedel, H., de Haan, S. Advanced GNSS tropospheric products for the monitoring of severe weather events and climate (GNSS4SWEC). IGS Workshop, Poland, July 2012.

Jones, J., Pottiaux, E., Guerova, G., Dousa, J., Dick, G., Bock, O., Pacione, R., Elgered, G., Vedel, H., de Haan, S. Advanced GNSS tropospheric products for the monitoring of severe weather events and climate (GNSS4SWEC). EUREF Symposium, IGN, Paris, June 2012.

Kenyeres, A. The implementation of IGS08 in the EPN ETRS89 maintenance products. Techical report. FOMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary, EPN Reference Frame Coordinator, October 2012.

Kenyeres, A. EPN densification of ITRF2008/IGS08. EUREF 2012 Symposium, Paris, France, 06-08 June, 2012.

Kreemer, C.W., Klein, E.C., Blewitt, G., et al. A new global geodetic strain rate model. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract G43B-0920, 2012.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C. Evaluation of GNSS solutions - submitted to IAG WG Integration of Dense Velocity Fields in the ITRF; EUREF Symposium, Saint Mande, France, June 2012.

Legrand, L., Bruyninx, C., Saria, E., Griffiths, J., Craymer, M., et al. Densification of the ITRF through the weekly combination of regional and global GNSS solutions. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-7 December, 2012.

Merrifield, M., Holgate, S., Mitchum, G., Perez, B., Richards, L., Schöne, T., Woodworth, P. L., Wöppelmann, G. The Global Sea Level Observing System: implementation plan, 2012. IOC Technical series, 100(48), 2012.

Nocquet, J-M. Present-day kinematics of the Mediterranean: a comprehensive overview of GPS results. WEGENER 2012, XVI GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Earthquake Geodesy and Geodynamics: From giant to small scale events, Strasbourg, France, September 2012.

Olivares, G., Teferle, F.N. An evaluation of a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method for the statistical analysis of GPS time series. IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Pacione, R., Dousa, J. GNSS analysis for weather applications based on IGS products. IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Pollard, E., Littlewood, M., Saunders, M., Forbes, R., & Heath, K. Project Adair: Mapping Marine Heritage Sites in Orkney and the Pentland Firth: Desk-based assessment. ORCA Marine Project No: 293, for RCAHMS and HS., 2012.

Pottiaux, E., Bruyninx, C. New hourly-updated GNSS tropospheric products provided by ROB for enhanced support to GNSS-meteorology and E-GVAP members. STCE Workshop on Water Vapour, Meteorology and Climate, Brussels, Belgium, November 2012.

Pottiaux, E., Bennit, G., Bruyninx, C., Aerts, W., Baire, Q., Bergeot, N., Chevalier, J-M., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J., Meeuws, F. GNSS research and services at ROB to support meteorology and nowcasting applications. International GNSS Service Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Santamaría-Gómez, A., Bouin,M-N., Wöppelmann, G. Improved GPS data analysis strategy for tide gauge benchmark monitoring, In: S. Kenyon et al. (Eds.), Geodesy for Planet Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 136, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_2, 2012.

Schoen,N., Rudenko,S., Uhlemann,M., Gendt,G., Schöne, T. Vertical land movement rates from the analysis of GPS data compared with tide gauge, hydrology model and GRACE data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-12922, EGU General Assembly 2012.

Schöne, T., Bingley, R., Deng, Z., Griffiths, J., Habrich, H., Jia, M., King, M., Merrifield, M., Mitchum, G., Neilan, R., Noll, C., Sanchez, L., Teferle, N., Thaller, D., Tregoning, P., Woodworth, P., Wöppelmann, G. The tide gauge benchmark monitoring project. Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, 195-210, 2012.

Sidorov, D., Teferle, F.N. Antenna phase centre calibration effects on sub-daily and daily position estimates. IGS Workshop, Olsztyn, Poland, July 2012.

Simek, J., Dousa, J., Filler, V., Kostelecky, J., Stepanek, P., Nagl, J. Development of GNSS-based geodetic infrastructure in the Czech Republic in the context of international projects. UN/Latvia Workshop on GNSS Applications, Riga, Latvia, May 2012.

Tancock, M.J., Lane, S.N., Hardy, R.J. A reduced complexity discrete particle model for understanding the sediment dynamics of steep upland river confluences. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2012.

Tancock, M.J., Lane, S.N., Hardy, R.J. Field-based and modelling approaches to understanding the sediment dynamics of upland river confluences. British Society for Geomorphology Conference, Nottingham, June 2012.

Tsugawa, T., Nishioka, M., Ishibashi, H., et al. Current status and future plan of NICT's ionospheric observations in the Southeast Asia by SEALION and GNSS-TEC. Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS) Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, October 2012.

Tsugawa, T. Activities of NICT space weather and ionospheric research. WMO Inter-programme Coordination Team on Space Weather Third Meeting (ICTSW-3), Brussels, Belgium, November 2012.


Baire, Q., Pottiaux, E., Bruyninx, C., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J., Bergeot, N. Comparison of receiver antenna calibration models used in the EPN. Proceedings of EUREF, 2011.

Biagi, L., Caldera, S. Different splitting techniques in the adjustment of large networks: discussion and implementation. EUREF 2011, Chisinau, Moldova.

Bradshaw, E. UK tide gauge status report - National contribution to GLOSS; GLOSS Group of Experts 12th Meeting, November 2011.

Caporali, A., Lidberg, M., Stangl, G. Lifetime of ETRS89 coordinates. Proceedings of EUREF, 2011.

Cherniak, I., Shagimuratov, I., Krankowski, A, Zakharenkova, I. The effects in the ionosphere caused by the solar eclipse on January 4th 2011, using radio-physical observations over Europe. International Reference Ionosphere Workshop, Hermanus, South Africa, 2011.

Clarke, P. (ed). United Kingdom Research on Geodesy 2007-2010. A report submitted to the International Association of Geodesy at the XXV General Assembly of the IUGG Melbourne, Australia, June 2011.

Clarke, P.J., Bos, M.S., Penna, N., et al. Anomalous ocean tide loading displacements in Western Europe suggest mantle anelasticity. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, December 2011.

Dayoub N., Moore P., Edwards S.J., Penna N.T. The geoid geopotential value for unification of vertical datums. FIG Working Week 2011, Bridging the Gap between Cultures, Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22, May 2011.

Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Penna, N.T., Edwards, S.J. Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Penna, N.T, and Edwards, S.J. Evaluation of EGM2008 within geopotential space from GPS, Tide Gauges and Altimetry. IAG2009 Proceedings, 2011.

Dousa, J. Global near real-time GNSS troposphere product. Geophysical Research Abstracts V.13, EGU2011-4871, EGU General Assembly, 2011.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Cruddace, P., Bingley, R., Baker, D.F., Hansen, D., Appleby, G., Sherwood, R., Clarke, P., King, M., Penna, N., Bingham, R., Edwards, S., Moore, P. National Report of Great Britain 2011, Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-Commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), Moldova, 2011.

Hansen, D.N., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S.D.P. New maps of UK vertical land movements based on continuous GPS and absolute gravity. Oceans 2025 Science of the Blue Planet Meeting, London, December 2011.

Jemmett-Smith, B., Ross, A., Sheridan, P. Investigating cold air pools; a case study from COLPEX. International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Aviemore, May 2011.

Jiang, Z., Groves, P.D., Ochieng, W.Y., Feng, S., Milner, C.D., Mattos, P.G. Multi-constellation GNSS multipath mitigation using consistency checking. Proceedings of the 24th Int. Meeting of the Satellite Division of ION, (ION GNSS 2011), pp.3889-3902, Portland, Oregon, 2011.

Kealy, A., Toth, C., Brzezinska, D., Roberts, G., Retscher, G., Gikas, V. A new paradigm for developing and delivering ubiquitous positioning capabilities. FIG Working Week 2011, Bridging the Gap between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco, May 2011.

Lidberg, M., Alfredsson, A., Caporali, A., Stangl, G. The sampling of the Eurasia intraplate velocities using the EPN stations. EUREF, Chisinau, Moldova, 2011.

Otsuka, Y., Nakagawa, S., Nishioka, M., Shiokawa, K., and Tsugawa, T. GPS observations of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over Europe. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract SA41A-1837, 2011.

Penna, N.T., Williams, S.D.P. Non-tidal ocean loading effects on GPS height time series, XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.

Santamaria-Gomez, A., Bouin, M-N., Collilieux, X., Wöppelmann, G. Time-correlated GPS noise dependency on data time period. Proceedings of IAG Symposium on Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2010), Marne-la-Vallée, 2011.

Tsugawa T., Ishibashi H., Kato H., Nishioka M., Otsuka Y., Saito A., Nagatsuma T., and Murata K.T. High-resolution Total electron content observations of severe Ionospheric disturbances using dense GPS receiver networks. SEALION International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.

Yuichi O., Nakagawa S., Shiokawa K., Tsugawa T. Observations of total electron content variations using GPS networks in Europe, May 2011, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, Japan, 2011.


Araszkiewicz, A., Bogusz, J., Figurski, M., et al. Centre of Applied Geomatics activities in the context of the EUREF project. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.

Bingley, R., Hansen, D.N., Leighton, J., Teferle, F. N., Baker, D.F. Results from an initial re-processing of the British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) archive of CGPS data for 1997 to 2010; American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract G23B-0823, 2010.

Bos, M.S., Penna, N.T., Keshin, M., Clarke, P.J., Baker, T.F. Status of ocean tide loading displacement modelling. Oral presentation at the IGS Workshop 2010, Newcastle, June 2010.

Burston, R., Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Chevalier J.-M., Legrand J. A two-stage mid-latitude instability process: Gradient-drift and Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves. Proc. Beacon Satellites Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.

Chevalier, J.M., Benoit, L., Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C. et al. Near-real time GPS-based ionospheric models:Application to Belgium. AGU, San Francisco, USA, 2010.

Chevalier, J-M., Bruyninx C., Legrand J., Bergeot N., Burston R. Impact of dense GNSS networks and multi-GNSS on trans-ionospheric ray path distribution for tomographic applications. Proc. Beacon Satellites Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.

Chevalier, J-M., Bruyninx C., Legrand J., Bergeot N., Burston R. Assessing the added value of dense GNSS networks and multi-GNSS observations for tomographic applications. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-10538, 2010.

Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Penna, N.T., Edwards, S. Secular change of the geoid geopotential value, W0, from sea level measurements and GRACE. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-5816, 2010.

Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Edwards, S.J., Penna, N.T. European Vertical Datum: Unification within geopotential space. EGU, Vienna, 2010.

Fernandez, J., Pires, N., Lazaro, C. Global assessment of GNSS-derived tropospheric corrections; COASTALT deliverable under ESA/ESRIN Contract No.21201/08/I-LG (CCN 3), 2010.

Fernandez, J., Lazaro, C., Nunes, A., Pires, N., Salgado, M., Cipollin, P. Inter-comparison between existing wet tropospheric corrections for coastal altimetry; Altimetry for Oceans and Hydrology Conference, Lisbon, 2010.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Cruddace, P., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Teferle, N., Hansen, D., Aquino, M., Appleby, G., Sherwood, R., King, M., Clarke, P.J. National Report of Great Britain, 2010. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-Commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), Sweden, 2010.

Jemmett-Smith, B. COLPEX - cold air pooling over complex terrain. 14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Lake Tahoe, USA, September 2010.

Kenyeres, A. Globalisation of the regional permanent GNSS networks. IGS Workshop, Newcastle, UK, July 2010.

Kenyeres, A. Categorization of permanent GNSS reference stations. Bolletino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, 2010.

Keshin, M., Penna, N.T., Clarke, P.J., Bos, M.S., Baker, T.F. GPS estimation of anomalous tidal loading displacements. Poster presentation at the IGS Workshop 2010, Newcastle, June 2010.

Keshin, M., Penna, N.T., Clarke, P.J., Bos, M.S., Baker, T.F. Anomalous tidal loading signals in south-west England and Brittany. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-5814, 2010.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C., Bergeot, N. et al. Limitations of regional GNSS networks for geophysical and geodynamical studies. REFAG, Champs-sur-Marne, France, October 2010.

Sudau, A., Weiss, R. GNSS at tide gauge - realisation in the German Bight. IGS Workshop - Symposium on Vertical rates from GNSS, Newcastle University, 2010.

Suzuki, Y., Otsuka, Y., Shiokawa, K., Tsugawa, T. A study of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances observed with a GPS network in Europe. Japan Geoscience Meeting, Chiba, Japan, May 2010.

Tsugawa, T., Kato, H., Kubota, M., et al. High-resolution total electron content observations of severe ionospheric disturbances using dense receiver networks. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, July 2010.

Tsugawa, T., Nishioka, M., Ishibashi, H., et al. Current status and future plan of NICT's ionospheric observations in the Southeast Asia by SEALION and GNSS-TEC, NICT, 2010.

Wilkinson, M., Appleby, G., Sherwood, R., Smith, V. Monitoring site stability at the Space Geodesy Facility, Herstmonceux, UK. IAG Commission 1 Symposium 2010. Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences - REFAG, Marne-La-Vallee, France, 2010.

Williams, S.D.P., Penna, N.T. Non-tidal loading effects on GPS. Oral presentation at the IGS Workshop, Newcastle, June 2010.


Altamimi, Z., Becker, M., Crayme, M., et al. Progress of the IAG SC1.3 Working Group in Providing a Dense Global Velocity Field Based on GNSS Observations. EGU 2009, EGU2009-4253, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

Baire, Q., Bruiyninx, C., Defraigne, P., and Legrand, J. Precise point positioning with ATOMIUM using IGS orbit and clock products: First results. EUREF 2009, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Pireaux, S., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J., Baire, Q., Pottiaux, P. Vertical total electron content maps over Europe from EUREF Permanent Network GPS data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.11, EGU2009-5654, 2009.

Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Pireaux, S., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J., Baire, Q., and Pottiaux, E. Using the EUREF permanent network to monitor the ionosphere. EUREF 2009, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Brain, M. J., Petley, D.N., Rosser, N., Lim, M., Sapsford, M., Barlow, J., Norman, E., Williams, A., Pybus, D. The Boulby Geoscience Project Underground Research Laboratory: Initial Results of a Rock Mechanics Laboratory Testing Programme. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009.

Brockmann, E. EUREF-TWG Project: Monitoring of official national ETRF coordinates on EPN web. EUREF Symposium, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Bruyninx, C., Legrand, L., Roosbeek, F. EPN status and network management. EUREF 2009 Symposium, May, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Becker, M. et al. Progress of the IAG SC1.3 Working Group in providing a dense global velocity field based on GNSS observations. EUREF 2009 Symposium, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Becker, M. et al. A dense global velocity field based on GNSS observations: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy General Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2009.

Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Edwards, S.J. Time variation of the fundamental geodetic parameter W0 from GRACE, satellite altimetry, GPS and tide gauges. Geodesy for Planet Earth, IAG General Assembly, Buenos Aeris, August 2009.

Edwards, S.J., Dayoub, N., Moore, P., Penna, N.T. Vertical Datums: Unification and time variation; AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2009.

Figurski, M., and Kaminski, P. Preliminary results of the complete EPN re-processing computed by the MUT EPN local analysis centre. Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, N.2, 2009.

GLOSS. UK tide gauge status report - National contribution to GLOSS. GLOSS Group of Experts 11th Meeting, May 2009.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Cruddace, P., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Teferle, N., Aquino, M., Appleby, G., King, M., Clarke, P.J., Iliffe, J.C., Ziebart, M.K., Turner, J.F. National Report of Great Britain, 2009, Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-Commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), Florence, 2009.

Habrich, H. EPN analysis coordinator report. EUREF 2009, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Hansen, D., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S. A new map of UK vertical land movements based on continuous GPS and absolute gravity. EGU, Vienna, April 2009.

Hansen, D.N., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M. New estimates of present-daycrustal/land motions in the British Isles based on the BIGF network. IAG Proceedings, 2009.

Hansen, D., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S. A new map of UK vertical land movements based on continuous GPS and absolute gravity. Oceans 2025, Liverpool, June 2009.

Jakowski, N. The ionosphere weather service SWACI and its capability for estimating propagation effects of transionospheric radio signals. LOFAR Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, June 2009.

Kenyeres, A., Williams, S.D., Figurski, M., van Dam, T.M., Szafranek, K. Noise characteristic and seasonal signals in the re-processed EUREF Permanent Network coordinate time series. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstract G11B-0635, 2009.

Legrand, J., Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C. et al. Reliability of regional and global GNSS network solutions expressed in the global reference frame. EGU2009-5238, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2009.

Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C., and Bergeot, N. Results and comparisons of a local and a regional re-processed GNSS network. EUREF 2009, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Legrand, J., Bergeot, C., Bruyninx, C., Wopplemann, A., Santamaria-Gomez, A., Bouin, M-N., Altamaimi, Z. Comparison of regional and global GNSS positions, velocities, and residula time series. Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy General Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2009.

Sohne, w., Figurski, M., Szafranek, K. Homogenous total zenith delay parameter estimation from european permanent GNSS sites. EUREF Symposium, Florence, Italy, May 2009.

Teferle, F.N., Geng, J., Meng, X., Dodson, A.H., Ge, M., Shi, C., Liu, J. Precise point positioning ambiguity resolution: Are we there yet? EGU2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.

Tragheim, D., Smith, K., Pearson, S., Leighton, J., Sowter, A., Adamska, L., Bingley, R., Teferle, N. Comparison of ENVISAT interferometric point target analysis with GPS above corner reflectors, in Nottinghamshire. Fringe, Italy, 2009.


Altamimi, Z. ETRS89 realization: Current status, ETRF2005 and future development. EUREF Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 2008.

Appleby, G., Wilkinson, M., Luceri, Vincenza., Gibbs, P., Smith, V. Attempts to separate apparent observational range bias from true geodetic signals. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, October 2008.

Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Pireaux, S., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J., Pottiaux, E. Detection of ionospheric scintillations and impact on GPS kinematic positioning. AGU Fall Meeting 2008.

Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Pottiaux, E., Pireaux, S., Defraigne, P., Legrand, J. Detection of abnormal ionospheric activity from the EPN and impact on kinematic GPS Positioning. EUREF Symposium, 2008.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F. N., and Williams, S.D.P. Continued Geodetic monitoring of Vertical Land Movements in Great Britain. ESEAS Meeting, UNESCO Annex, Room XIII, 1, Rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris cedex 15, 2008.

Bingley, R. M., Teferle, F.N., and Williams, S.D.P. Geodetic constraints on land uplift and subsidence in the British Isles. Joint EUCOR-URGENT and TOPO-WECEP Workshop, 8th International Symposium on: Upper Rhine Graben Evolution and Neotectonics, Mont Saint-Odile, Alsace, France, March 2008.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Blackman, D.L., Riedmann, M., Haynes, M., Aldiss, D.T., Burke, H.C., Chacksfield, B.C., and Tragheim, D.G. The measurement and interpretation of current changes in land levels in London and along the Thames estuary. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-03317, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.

Bos, M.S., Penna, N.T., Baker, T.F., Scherneck, H-G., Bastos, L. Current state of ocean tide loading displacement modelling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-05142, EGU General Assembly 2008.

Bradshaw, E. (Ed). Annual Report for the UK National Tide Gauge Network and related sea level science, 2008.

Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Becker, M. et al. Working Group - Regional Dense Velocity Fields: Objectives and Future Plans. IGS AC Workshop, Miami, USA, June 2008

Bruyninx, C., Altamimi, Z., Becker, M. et al. Towards the provision of regional dense velocity fields in a global reference Frame. 14th WEGENER General Assembly, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2008.

Bruyninx, C., Legrand, J., Roosbeek, F. Status and performance of the EUREF permanent tracking network. EUREF 2008, Brussels, Belgium, June 2008.

Chandler, J. H., Wackrow, R., Sun, X., Shiono, K., Rameshwaran, P. Measuring a dynamic and flooding river surface by close range digital photogrammetry. In: Silk Road for Information from Imagery, Beijing, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp.211-216, July 2008.

Crespon, F., Occhipinti, G. SPECTRE final presentation. SPECTRE final presentation. TEC EES Final Presentation Days - ESTEC, June 2008.

Dousa, J. Processing of ground-based GNSS data to produce near real-time (NRT) tropospheric zenith path delays (ZTD). E-GVAP Workshop, November 2008.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Cruddace, P., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Teferle, N., Appleby, G., King, M,. Iliffe, J.C., Ziebart, M.K., Turner, J.F. National Report of Great Britain, 2008, Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), Brussels, 2008.

IGS. Tide gauge benchmark monitoring report to IGS Governing Board. San Francisco, December, 2008.

Ihde, J., Bruyninx, C., Habrich, H., Kenyeres, A., Poutanen, M. Developments of EUREF GNSS Reference network EPN. International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-based and Ground-based Augmentation Systems and Applications, Berlin, Germany,11-14 November 2008.

Ihde, J., Bruyninx, C. Developments of the EUREF GNSS Services and Reference Networks. ICG-03 Meeting, Pasadena, USA, December 2008.

Ihde, J. Realization of the European Vertical Reference System 2007 (EVRS2007). EuroGeographics General Assembly, Rumania, October 2008.

Jones, J. GPS Water Vapour - Operational implementation and recent developments. TECO-2008 - WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, St Petersburg, Russian Federation, November 2008.

Kenyeres, A., Figurski, M., Legrand, J., Bruyninx, C. et al. Homogenous re-processing of the EPN: First experiences and comparisons. EUREF, Brussels, Belgium, 2008.

Khoda, O., and Bruyninx, C. Influence of changing GPS antenna calibrations on EPN station coordinates. EUREF 2008, Brussels, Belgium, June 2008.

Kruczyk, M. Tropospheric delay EPN products and meteorological ZTD and IPW data sources - conformity study. EUREF 2008, Brussels, Belgium, June 2008.

Legrand, J., Bergeot, N., Bruyninx, C., Woppelmann, G., Bouin, M-N., Altamaimi, Z. Influence of the Reference Frame. Alignment on Station Positions and Velocities: Global or Regional? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2008.

Pajares, M., Juan, J.M., Sanz, J. et al. Feasibility study of a European wide area real time kinematic system. 4th ESA Workshop on GNSS User Technologies in the Sensor Fusion Era - NAVITEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2008.

Penna, N., Clarke, P., Edwards, S. An assessment of ocean tide loading models for precise GPS positioning in Great Britain. Findings in Built and Rural Environments, RICS FIBRE Series, November 2008.

Pillidge S., Blake W.H., Williams A., Bright, D. Evaluating the role of buffer strips in arable catchments using fallout radionuclide tracers. British Society for Geomorphology, Annual Conference, University of Exeter, July 2008.

Pillidge, S., Blake, W.H., Williams, A., Bright, D. Evaluating the role of buffer strips in arable catchments using fallout radionuclide tracers. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-12236, 2008.

Quinn, J.D., Murphy, W., West, J.L., Lawrence, J.A. The use of terrestrial laser scanning, differential GPS surveying and panoramic photography to characterize the landslides and recession of the Holderness Coast, Yorkshire, England. Proc 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 9th Joint CSG/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference. Edmonton, pp.414-418, 2008.

Taha, A., Kokkas, N., Hancock, C., Roberts, G.W., Meng, X., Uff, J. A GIS approach to GNSS simulation in urban canyons. European Navigation Conference – Global Navigation Satellite Systems, ENC-GNSS 08, Toulouse, France, April 2008.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S.D.P., Bradley, S.L., Milne, G. A., Woodworth, P.L., Shennan, I. Vertical land movement data sets for Great Britain: Effects on estimates of sea level rise and implications for the future. William Smith Meeting of the Geological Society 2008: Observations and Causes of Sea-Level Change on Millenial to Decadal Timescales, Burlington House, London, September 2008.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., and Williams, S.D.P. Geodetic monitoring of UK tide gauges in the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, revised local reference database. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-07948, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.

Teferle, F.N., Geng, J., Meng, X., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Penna, N.T. Possible detection of ocean loading deformation associated with the 9 November 2007 North Sea storm surge using GPS: Preliminary results. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract < >G51A-0608, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2008.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S.D.P., Bradley, S.L., Milne, G.A., Woodworth, P.L., Shennan, I. The effect of vertical land movement data sets on estimates of sea level rise around the UK. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-08013, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.

White, D.C., Williams, M., Barr, S.L. Detecting sub-surface soil disturbance using hyperspectral first derivative band ratios of associated vegetation stress. 21st ISPRS Congress, Beijing, 2008.

Wöppelmann, G., Schöne, T. Reprocessing GPS data at the observation level for tide gauge monitoring: Main raison d'etre of TIGA. International GNSS Service Analysis Center Workshop, Miami Beach, Florida, USA 2008.


Abdulwasey, M., Malthus, T. Characterising peatland surface heterogeneity using hyperspectral airborne remote sensing data. Proc EARSEL, Bruges, Belgium, 2007.

Abdulwasey, M., Malthus, T. Scaling up peatland methane emission estimates from small to large scales; BES, Glasgow, Scotland, 2007.

Baker, D.F. (ed). United Kingdom Research on Geodesy 2003-2006. A report submitted to the International Association of Geodesy at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Blackman, D.L., Baker, T.F., Riedmann, M., Haynes, M., Aldiss, D.T., Burke, H.C., Chacksfield, B.C., Tragheim, D. Absolute fixing of tide gauge benchmarks and land levels: measuring changes in land and sea levels around the coast of Great Britain and along the Thames Estuary using GPS, absolute gravimetry, persistent scatterer interferometry and tide gauges. Defra/Environment Agency Joint R&D FCERM Programme R&D Technical Report FD2319/TR, PB Number 12643, April 2007, available via from 02 July 2007.

Bradley, S.L., Teferle, F.N., Milne, G.A., Bingley, R.M. Modelling the glacial isostatic adjustment of the British Isles using continuous GPS measurements of 3-D crustal motion. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9 (EGU2007-A-10377): 4th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2007.

Bradley, S.L., Teferle, F.N., Milne, G.A., Bingley, R.M., Orliac, E.J. Modelling the glacial isostatic adjustment of the British Isles: constraints from continuous GPS measurements of 3-D crustal motion. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Bruyninx, C. and Roosbeek, F. EPN status and new developments. EUREF, London, June 2007.

Burren, R.J., Hole, J., Bingley, R.M. et al. Changes in land and sea levels along the Thames Estuary and River Thames, UK. Proceedings ESA Fringe Workshop,Frascati, Italy, November 2007.

Crespon, F., Jeansou, E., Helbert, J. et al. SPECTRE ( a web Service for Ionospheric Products. Proceedings of 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Toulouse, France, October, 2007.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Appleby, G., King, M., Ioannides, R. National Report of Great Britain, 2007. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), London, 2007.

GLOSS. UK tide gauge status report - National contribution to GLOSS; GLOSS Group of Experts 10th Meeting, June 2007.

Iliffe, J.C., Ziebart, M. Vertical Offshore Reference Systems (VORF) - the next step change in land/marine integrated geodesy. RICS, 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London, February 2007.

Kenyeres, A., Sacher, M., Ihde J., Denker, H., Marti, U. EUVN_ DA: Establishment of a European continental GPS/levelling network. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, Istanbul 2006, Harita Dergisi, Special Issue, No.18, 2007.

Khoda, O., Bruyninx, C. Switching from relative to absolute antenna phase centre variations in a regional network: stability of the coordinate differences. EUREF Symposium, London, UK, June 2007.

Leighton, J., Sowter, A., Tragheim, D., Bingley, R., Teferle, N. Establishing a corner reflector network for PSI. Proceedings Fringe 2007 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, November 2007.

Leighton, J., Sowter, A., Tragheim, D., Teferle, N., Bingley, R. Episodic geodetic reflector networks for persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) analyses. Proc. RSPSoc 2007: Challenges for earth observation - scientific, technical and commercial, Newcastle University, UK. The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc), September 2007.

Leighton, J., Sowter, A., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N. Establishing corner reflector networks for PSINSAR analysis. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Orliac, E.J., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. Correlation between mapping functions and atmospheric pressure loading in the processing of GNSS data. EOS Transactions, 88(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract G43A-0916: American Geophysical Union 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 2007.

Orliac, E.J., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. Total mapping function. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Parker Pearson, M., Pollard, J., Richards, C., Thomas, J., Tilley, C., Welham, K. The Stonehenge Riverside Project: exploring the Neolithic landscape of Stonehenge. 14th Neolithic Seminar on the Neolithic Mind, Populations and Landscapes; Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2007.

Penna, N.T., King, M.A., Clarke, P.J., Bos, M.S., Baker, T.F. High resolution verification of ocean tide models using kinematic GPS: a case study across the British Isles. IUGG, Perugia,Italy, 2007.

Plag, H-P., Blewitt, G., Herring, T.A. Towards a consistent conventional treatment of surface-load induced deformations. IERS Convention, 2007.

Plag, H-P., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W.C. Collocated GPS and absolute gravity measurements help to tie the geometric reference frame to the center of mass of the Earth system. XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007.

Plag, H-P., Hammond, W.C., Kreemer, C. Combination of GPS-derived vertical motion with absolute gravity changes constrain the tie between reference frame origin and Earth center of mass. EarthScope National Meeting, Monterey, CA, USA, 2007.

Sowter, A., Warren, M., Leighton, J. How accurately can we geolocate a persistent scatterer. Proc. Fringe 2007 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, November 2007.

Teferle, F.N., Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. An assessment of Bernese precise point positioning for geodetic monitoring applications. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S.D.P., Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F. A decade of tide gauge monitoring using continuous GPS and absolute gravimetry in the UK: new estimates of vertical land motion and sea-level change. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

Thirgood, S., Scott, D., Irvine, J., Sibbald, A., Palmer, S., Gilbert, L., Leckie, F., Elston, D. Developing methodologies to monitor red deer movements at the landscape level. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Report, CEH Project No.C02914, 2007.

Thomas, R., Hoey, T.B. Cellular modelling in ecohydraulics: modelling habitat requirements of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel. Proc. 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 2007.

Zhang,F., Gendt, G., Mao-rong, G. GPS data processing at GFZ for monitoring the vertical motion of global tide gauge benchmarks - technical report for projects TIGA and SEAL. Scientific Technical Report STR 07/02, doi:10.2312/GFZ.b103-07025, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 2007.


Adams, R., Iliffe, J.C., Ziebart, M., Turner, J.F., Oliveira, J.F. Joining up land and sea: UKHO/UCL vertical offshore reference frame. Hydro International, Vol.10, No.10, pp.7-9, 2006.

Best, J., Ashworth, P., Bridge, J., Lane, S., Lunt, I., Orfeo, O., Parsons, D., Sambrook-Smith, G., Simpson, C. The four-dimensional sedimentology of sandy braided rivers: linking process to product, assessing the impact of flood magntidue and questions of scale invariance. 4th Latin American Congress of Sedimentology and XI Argentinian Meeting of Sedimentology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2006.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F. Measuring changes in ground level at tide gauges, using continuous GPS and absolute gravimetry, to improve estimates of changes in sea level around Britain. Proc. 41st Defra Flood and Coastal Management conference, York, UK, July 2006.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Williams S.D.P., Baker, T.F., Orliac, E.J. Combining independent geodetic measurements for studies of vertical crustal motions in the British Isles. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Kierulf, H.P., Williams, S.D.P., Plag., H-P. The results of the European Sea Level Service - Research Infrastructure (ESEAS-RI) project's use of continuous GPS and absolute gravity at tide gauges in Europe. Presentation at the XIII Assembly of Wegener, France, Nice, September 2006.

Bingley, R.M., Monitoring vertical land movements at tide gauges. NTSLF Annual Report, 2006.

Booth, S.J., Pearson, S.G., Poulton, C., Morgan, D.J.R. The Thames estuary drilling campaign - January to February 2006; BGS Research Report CR/06/139, 2006.

Bruyninx, C., Roosbeek, F. The EUREF permanent network: Recent achievements. EUREF Symposium, Riga, Latvia, June 2006.

Bradley, S., Shennan, I., Milne, G., Brooks, T., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Waugh, A.J. Constraining the evolution of the British Isles ice sheet using observations of sea-level changes and 3D crustal motions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 08134, EGU06-A-08134. Presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austria, Vienna, April 2006.

Dousa, J., Soucek, P. RIGTC-GOP final GPS ZTD IWV system evaluation (D57). TOUGH Project, 2006.

Dunning, S.A., Rosser, N.J., Petley, D.N. Structual and geometrical mapping of unstable slopes using terrestrial laser scanning - A basis for numerical modelling. Proc of the International Conference on Slopes, 6th - 9th August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.

Edwards, S., Dayoub, N. European height datums: Unification and time variation; AGU conference, San Francisco, December 2006.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Appleby G. National Report of Great Britain, 2006. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), held in Riga, Latvia, July 2006.

Habrich, H. Development process of EPN analysis. EUREF Symposium, Riga, 2006.

Havelock, G.M., Brown, A.G. Late-Holocene geomorphic change in the upper Taw Estuary, England. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract #H31I-05, 2006.

Iliffe, J.C., Ziebart, M., Turner, J.F., Oliveira, J.F., Adams, R. The VORF project – Joining up land and marine data. GIS Professional, Issue 13, pp.24–26, 2006.

Kenyeres, A. New Products of the EPN Time Series Special Project: Status Report. EUREF, Publication No.16, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 40, pp.116-123, Riga, Latvia, June 2006.

Leighton, J.M., Sowter, A., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N. Geodetic reflector networks for PSinSAR analyses; RSPSoc Annual Conference, Cambridge, September 2006.

Meggs, R.W., Mitchell, C.N., Watson, R.J., Dear, M. Real-time imaging of the ionosphere over the United Kingdom - Preliminary results. Meeting Proceedings RTO-MP-IST-056, Paper 27. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. Available from, 2006.

Moins, M., Bruyninx, C. Relative positioning in Europe: Influence of the GPS+Galileo satellite geometry. EUREF Symposium, Riga, Latvia, 2006.

Nash, J., Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M., Jones, J., Teferle, F.N. On the use of near real-time GPS inferred humidity fields for monitoring thunderstorm activity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2006, San Francisco, December 2006.

Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N. Azimuth dependent mapping functions for GNSS data processing. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, EGU06-A-08499. Presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006, Austria, Vienna, April 2006.

Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M., Teferle F.N. Azimuth dependent modelling of the tropospheric delay in GNSS data processing based on a high resolution numerical weather model. Presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.

Parsons, D.R, Best, J., Lane, S.N., Orfeo, O., Kostaschuk, R. Morphology, fluid dynamics, and mixing at the Rio Paraná - Paraguay Confluence, Argentina. 4th Latin American Congress of Sedimentology and XI Argentinian Meeting of Sedimentology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2006.

Penna, N., King, M., Stewart, M. GPS height time series: short period origins of spurious long period signals. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, April 2006.

Plag, H-P., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Kierulf, H.P., Williams, S. D.P., Hammond, W. Reference-frame induced uncertainties in measurements of vertical land motion at tide gauges: A case study for the European tide gauge network of the ESEAS. Presentation at the Geodetic Reference Frames 2006 (GRF2006) International IAG/FIG Symposium, Munich, October 2006.

Rosser, N.J., Dunning, S.A., Petley, D.N. Pre-failure patterns of rockfall frequency prior to large slope failures. European Geosciences Union 3rd General Assembly, Vienna, 2006.

Rosser, N.J., Petley, D.N., Dunning, S A. Towards forecasting the timing and geometry of rock slope failures. Proc. International Conference on Slopes, Kuala Lumpur, August 2006.

Rosser, N.J., Petley, D.N., Dunning, S.A. Influence of sea-level change on rates of hard rock coastal cliff erosion. European Geosciences Union 3rd General Assembly, Vienna, 2006.

Schöne, T. Linking GPS to tide gauges and tide gauge benchmarks. Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, WCRP Workshop, ENESCO, Paris, June 2006.

Taha, A., Meng, X., Roberts, G.W., Hide, C., Montillet, J-P. Using SmartStation and GPS integrated with INS to map underground pipes and cables. Proc. ION GNSS 2006, Fort Worth, Tx, USA, 2006.

Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P. Stochastic noise charactersization of geodetic position time series. Nottingham High Performance Computing Conference, Nottingham, January 2006.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Williams, S.D.P., Bradley, S.L., Milne, G.A., Shennan, I. New estimates of three-dimensional crustal motions in the British Isles from continuous GPS, geological evidence and glacial isostatic adjustment models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.

Wacker, S. Surface meteo observations from the European Centre for medium-range weather forecasts (ECMWF) for the STARWAVE atmospheric water database. Universitat Bern, Forschungsbericht Nr.2005-05-MW, October 2006.

Warren, M.A., Sowter, A., Bingley, R.M. A 3-pass persistent scatterrer interferometry method: Initial results of using ERS data of London, UK. RSPSoc Annual Conference: Understanding a Changing World, Cambridge, September 2006.

White, D.C., Williams, M., Barr, S.L. Minimizing background effects in field spectra of arable crops to detect stress associated with soil disturbance. RSPSoc Annual Conference: Understanding a Changing World, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, September 2006.


Abdullah, M., Strangeways, H.J., Walsh, D.M.A. Modelling of ionospheric error correction for relative GNSS measurements. Proc. 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, 2005.

Abdullah, M., Strangeways, H.J., Walsh, D.M.A. Improved ionospheric error correction for differential GPS. APACE: 2003 Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Proc: pp.83-87, 2003.

Adams, J.C., Smith, M.J., Bingley, R.M. Development and integration of terrestrial cliff-face mapping techniques within regional coastal monitoring. Proc. of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Nottingham, September 2003.

Allinson, C.R., Clarke, P.J., King, M.A., Edwards, S.J., Baker, T.F. Cruddace, P.R. GPS observations of ocean tide loading in the British Isles. IAG 15th International Symposium on Earth Tides, Ottawa, Abstract ETS-02-11, August 2004.

Allinson, C,R., Clarke, P.J., Edwards, S.J., King, M.A., Baker, T.F., Cruddace, P. Ocean tide loading in the British Isles. EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meeting supplement, 2003.

Allinson, C,R., Clarke, P.J., King, M.A., Edwards, S,J., Cruddace, P., Baker, T.F. GPS observations of ocean tide loading in the British Isles. Paper presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2003.

Aquino, M., Dodson, A.H., Souter, J., Moore, T. Ionospheric effects on GPS carrier phase positioning accuracy at auroral and sub-aurporal latitudes. Assembly of the IAG, Cairns, Australia, August 2005.

Aquino, M., Rodrigues, F.S., Souter, J., Moore, T., Dodson, A.H., Waugh, S. Ionospheric scintillation and impact on GNSS users in Northern Europe: Results of a 3 year study. Presented at CNES Workshop on Earth Space Propagation, Toulouse, France, October 2004.

Aquino, M., Rodrigues, F., Dodson, A., Moore, T., Waugh, S. Results of statistical analysis of GPS ionospheric scintillation ddata in Northern Europe. Proceedings of the ESA Workshop - Atmospheric Remote Sensing Using Satellite Navigation Systems, Matera, Italy, October 2003.

Aquino, M., Waugh, S., Moore, T., Dodson, A.H. Testing the performance of the WBMOD scintillation prediction model against GPS scintillation data from the November 2001 Storm. Proceedings of IES 2002 - Ionospheric Effects Symposium 2002, Alexandria, VA – USA, May 2002.

Aquino, M.H.O., Waugh, S., Dodson, A.H., Moore, T., Skone, S. GPS based ionospheric scintillation monitoring. Proceedings of Space Weather Workshop: Looking towards a European Space Weather Programme. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 2001.

Aquino, M., Moore, T., Dodson, A., Hill, C., Waugh, S. Possible development of a GPS user warning/mitigation mechanism against ionospheric scintillation. Paper presented at the GNSS 2003 Conference, Graz, Austria, abstract in proceedings, May 2003.

Baker, D.F. BIGF: The UK's continuous GPS data archive. Civil Engineering Surveyor, April 2005.

Baker, D.F., Bingley, R.M, Teferle, F.N, Orliac, E.J, Dodson, A.H. The British Isles GPS archive Facility (BIGF): Serving users from surveying to science. Advances in GPS Data Processing and Modelling. London, November 2005.

Barlag, S., Nash, J., Vedel, H., vd Marel H., Plag, H-P., Brockmann, E. GPS meteorology in Europe - COST716, EUREF and EUMETNET. EUREF Symposium, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2004.

Baker, T.F., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P. GPS and absolute gravity measurements at UK tide gauges. Proceedings of the GLOSS Experts 7th Meeting and Related Workshops, University of Hawaii, April 2001.

Becker, M., Kirchner, M, Hafele, P., Sohne, W., Weber, G. Near real-time tropospheric signal delay from EPN and German permanent GPS sites. Proceedings of EUREF, Toledo, Spain, 2003.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F. A Comparison of vertical land movement estimates at tide gauges: CGPS, absolute gravimetry and independent evidence compared. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2005.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F. A comparison of vertical land movement estimates from CGPS, absolute gravimetry and independent evidence. ESEAS Final Workshop Toward an Operational Sea Level Service. Split, Croatia, October 2005.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Waugh, A.J., Orliac, E.J., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F., Dodson, A.H. The use of double-difference regional network solutions and precise point positioning global solutions for monitoring vertical land movements and changes in sea level at UK tide gauges. Advances in GPS Data Processing and Modelling, London, November 2005.

Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F. Using vontinuous GPS to separate vertical land movements and changes in sea level at tide gauges in the UK. A Celebration of UK Sea Level Science, Royal Society, London, February 2004.

Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Teferle, F.N., Penna, N.T., Baker, T.F. GPS monitoring of changes in ground level for flood and coastal defence. Proceedings of the 36th MAFF Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, Keele, UK, June 2001.

Bingley, R.M. The use of CGPS at tide gauges: Vertical station velocities and the decoupling of vertical land movements from true sea level variations. Book of Extended Abstracts of the Final Workshop of European COST Action 40, European Sea Level Observing System (EOSS), Sea Level in Europe: Observation, Interpretation and Exploitation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.25-28, September 2001.

Bradshaw, E. (Ed). Annual Report for the UK National Tide Gauge Network and related sea level science, 2005.

Bruyninx, C. Status of the EUREF Permanent Network. EUREF, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

Davies, O., Mitchell, C., Spencer, P., Watson, P. Retrieval of horizontal and vertical refractivity field using GPS. International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, ICAP, 2001.

Davies, O., Jerrett, D., Watson, P., Watson, R. Use of GPS phase delay techniques to support millimetre-wave propagation studies. Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, AP2000, Davos, Switzerland, 2005.

Davies, O.T., Mitchell, C.N., Spencer, C.S.J., Nash, J.D. Application of GPS phase delay measurements in radio science and atmospheric studies. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol.151, Issue 1, doi:10.1049/ip-map:20040126, February 2004.

Dodson, A.H., Teferle, F.N., Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Kierulf, H.P. Testing Bernese precise point positioning over a five year period. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Abstract G21A-1258, December 2005.

Dodson, A.H., Moore, T., Pattinson, M. Measuring tropospheric delay from a floating platform. Proc. ION GPS 2001, 14th Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 8 pages, Salt Lake City, September 2001.

Dodson, A.H., Moore, T., Aquino, M.H.O. Ionospheric scintillation effects on GPS measurements. Proc. GNSS 2001, 5th International Conference on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Seville, Spain, May 2001.

Dong, X., Woodworth, P.L., Moore, P., Bingley, R.M. Absolute calibration of TOPEX, POSEIDON and JASON-1 using UK tide gauges, GPS and a local precise geoid model. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics (APSG) Sea Level Meeting, University of Hawaii, April 2001.

Dousa, J., Souéek, P. GOP - zenith total delay product and its characteristics (2001-2005). Presented poster & paper in Proc. TOUGH User Workshop, Exeter, UK, September 2005.

Dousa, J., SouÉek, P., Filler, V. Analytic centres of GOP: results and outlook. Presented on Seminar CEDR, Tøest, Czech Republic, October 2004.

Dousa, J., Souéek, P. Zenith total delay results from near real-time COST-716 GPS campaign. Presented on the 1st EGU General Assembly, section G1, Nice, France, 2004.

Dousa, J. GOP NRT tropospheric product for the COST-716 campaign 2001. In Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for Europe (EUREF) held in Ponta Delgada, 5-8 June 2002; Torres, J. A. and H. Hornik (eds.), EUREF publication No.12, pp.386-390, Bundesamt fur Kartographie und Geodasie, Frankfurt am Main, 2003.

Dousa, J. Monitorování vodních par v troposféøe pomocí pozemních observací GPS. In Zpracován&ia# mìøení GPS pp.54-61, Ústav geod&ea#zie, FAST VUT v Brnì 2003. (in Czech).

Elgered, G., Plag, H-P., van der Marel, H., Barlag, S., Nash, J. COST Action 716: Exploitation of ground-based GPS for climate and numerical weather prediction applications. Final report. September 2004.

Dousa, J. The IGS ultra-rapid orbits in the COST-716 NRT campaign 2001. In Towards real-time: IGS Network, Data and Analysis Center 2002 Workshop; Tétreault, P. and R. Neilan and K. Gowey (eds.); pp.200-201, IGS Central Bureau, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA, 2003.

Freemantle, A., Clarke, P., King, M., Lavallee, D. Adriatic tectonics: Rigorous tests of present-day plate motion using continuous GPS. AGU, 2005.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Allinson, C. National Report of Great Britain, 2005. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), held in Vienna, June 2005.

Greaves, M., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F., Allinson, C. National Report of Great Britain, 2003. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), held in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2004.

Greaves, M. Reprocessing the EUREF GB 2001 GPS campaign. EUREF Symposium, Bratislava, 2004.

Greaves, M., Fane, C., Cruddace, P., Bingley, R.M., Baker, D.F. National Report of Great Britain, 2002. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF), Toledo, June 2003.

Habrich, H. New developments in EPN analysis. EUREF 2005, Vienna, Austria, June 2005.

Ihde, J., T, Baker., Bruyninx, C., et al. The Implementation of the ECGN stations–status of the 1st Call for Participation. EUREF, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

Ihde, J., Baker, T., Bruyninx, C. et al. Concept and status of the ECGN project, EUREF Proceedings, Vol.13, Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesamt fur Kartographie unde Geodasie, Band 26, 2004.

Kersley, L., Malan, D., Pryse, S.E., Cander Lj.R. Further investigations on the verification of TEC measurements by different techniques; Proc COST271 Workshop, Spetses, Greece, September 2003.

Rodrigues, F., Aquino, M., Dodson, A., Moore, T., Waugh, S. Statistical analysis of GPS ionospheric scintillation and short-time TEC variations over Northern Europe. Proceedings of ION GNSS 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 2003.

Marel, vd H., Brockmann, E., de Haan, S. et al. COST-716 near real time demonstration project. In Proceedings of the International workshop on GPS meteorology - GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Spaced-Based Applications 2003.

Milne, G.A., Shennan, I., Youngs, B.A.R. et al. Modelling the glacial isostatic adjustment of the UK region. A Celebration of UK Sea Level Science, Royal Society, London, February 2004.

Moore, T., Aquino, M.H.O., Waugh, S., Dodson, A.H., Hill, C.J. Evaluation of the EGNOS ionospheric correction model under scintillation in Northern Europe. Proc ION GPS 2002, The 15th Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 10 pages, Portland, USA, September 2002.

Moore, T., Aquino, M.H.O., Dodson, A.H., Waugh, S.J. Impact of ionospheric scintillation on EGNOS and DGPS users in Northern Europe. ENC GNSS 2002, Proceedings of European Navigation Conference, 10 pages, 2002.

Moore, T., Dodson, A.H., Aquino, M.H.O., Waugh, S. Ionospheric scintillation monitoring in Northern Europe. Proc ION GPS 2001, 14th Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 9 pages, Salt Lake City, USA, September 2001.

Nash,J., Latham, N., Oakley, T., Bingley, R.M., Waugh, S.J. Examination of integrated water vapour fields associated with organised thunderstorm outbreaks over the UK in July 2001. Proc. Workshop of European COST Action 716, Potsdam, Germany, January 2002.

Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N., Dodson, A.H. Near real-time GPS monitoring of severe weather events in the UK. Advances in GPS Data Processing and Modelling, London, November 2005.

Orliac, E.J., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M., Teferle, F.N. Regional numerical weather prediction model ray-traced mapping functions for GNSS data processing. AGU Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco, Abstract G21A-1261, December, 2005.

Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Teferle, F.N. Ground-based GPS near real-time zenith path delay estimation in the UK; EGU General Assembly. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2005.

Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Teferle, F.N. Near real-time GPS data processing: influence of ambiguity fixing on ZTD estimates. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, European Geosciences Union, EGU05-A-9147, April 2005.

Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. Near real-time neutral atmosphere zenith delay estimation: first results from a UK continuous GPS network. EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004.

Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. An assessment of near real-time and post-processing strategies for tropospheric delay estimation from a planned CGPS network in the UK. Atmospheric Remote Sensing using Satellite Navigation Systems, Special Symposium of the URSI Joint Working Group FG, Matera, Italy, October 2003.

Penna, N., Stewart, M., King, M. Impact of unmodelled daily and sub-daily periodic effects on GPS height time series. Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, August 2005.

Penna, N., Stewart, M., King, M. Spurious long wavelength effects in GPS coordinate time series arising from mis-modelled daily and sub-daily periodic ground displacements. Meeting, University College London, November 2005.

Plag, H-P. The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): Assessment of the first three years. IOC group of experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), 9th session, Paris, France, February 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Baker, T.F. Sea level in the British Isles: Combining absolute gravimetry and continuous GPS to infer vertical land movements at tide gauges. Dynamic Planet, Cairns Australia, August 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M. An assessment of precise point positioning using the Bernese GPS software version 5.0. ESEAS Final Workshop Toward an operational Sea Level Service, Split, Croatia, October 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Orliac, E.J., Bingley, R.M. Bernese GPS Software precise point positioning for geodynamic applications. Advances in GPS Data Processing and Modelling, London, November 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Kierulf, H.P., Bingley, R.M., Plag, H.P. Vertical station velocity estimates and their uncertainties: Quantifying the effects of CGPS processing strategy and reference frame implementation on coordinate time series noise. ESEAS Final Workshop Toward an Operational Sea Level Service, Split, Croatia, October 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Kierulf, H.P., Bingley, R.M., Plag, H.P. The effect of processing technique and reference frame definition on noise in CGPS position time series. AGU FM05, San Francisco, December 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Kierulf, H.P., Bingley, R.M., Plag, H.P. The European Sea Level Service continuous GPS coordinate time series analysis strategy. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, European Geosciences Union, EGU05-A-05094, April 2005.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M. ESEAS Analysis Center UNOTT: Initial results for the continuous GPS (CGPS) data (2000-2003). ESEAS and ESEAS-RI Workshop - Observing and Understanding Sea Level Variations, Malta, November 2004.

Teferle, F.,N., Williams, S.D.P., Kierulf, H.P., Bingley, R.M., Plag, H.P. The ESEAS coordinate time series analysis strategy: Strategy outline and initial results (WP2 T2.2-D2.2 and T2.5-D2.5). ESEAS and ESEAS-RI Workshop - Observing and Understanding Sea Level Variations, Malta, November 2004.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F., Williams, S.D.P. Changes in sea level and vertical land movements inferred from CGPS at UK tide gauge sites. EGU 1st General Assembly, 25-30 April 2004, Nice, France.

Teferle, F.N., Williams, S.D.P., Kierulf, H.P., Bingley, R.M., Plag, H.P. The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): The continuous GPS coordinate time series analysis strategy. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85(47): Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract G53A-0106, 2004.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F., Williams, S.D.P. Vertical land movements and changes in sea level around the British Isles. Oral Presentation at the WEGENER 2004 12th General Assembly of the Wegener Project - Integrated Modelling of Crustal Deformation, Tangier, Morocco, September 2004.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Apostilidis, P., Staton, G. RF interference and multipath effects at continuous GPS installations for long-term monitoring of tide gauges in UK harbours. Proceedings of ION-GPS 2003, the 16th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Salt Lake City, USA, September 2003.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F. Application of the dual-CGPS concept to monitoring vertical land movements at tide gauges. Proceedings of XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, March 2001.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F., Williams, S.D.P. Evaluation of the dual-CGPS concept to monitoring vertical land movements at tide gauges. Proceedings of International Association of Geodesy 2001 Scientific Assembly, Budapest, Hungary, September 2001.

Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Baker, T.F., Williams, S.D.P. Evaluation of the dual-CGPS concept to monitoring vertical land movements at tide gauges. Book of Extended Abstracts of the Final Workshop of European COST Action 40, European Sea Level Observing System (EOSS), Sea Level in Europe: Observation, Interpretation and Exploitation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.40-43, September 2001.

Vedel, H. E-GVAP - Meterology and geodesdy synergy. EUREF Symposium June 2005.

Warren, M., Sowter, A., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M. Using GPS and InSAR point positioning for the monitoring of land surface change. 12th General Assembly of the WEGENER project - Integrated Modelling of Crustal Deformation, WEGENER 2004, Tangier - Morocco, September 2004.

Waugh, A.I., Teferle, F.N., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Williams, S.D.P., Milne, G.A. A comparison of GPS inferred and GIA modelled three-dimensional deformation within Great Britain. EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004.

Williams, S.D.P., Teferle, F.N. Continuous GPS coordinate time series analysis: An integral part of GPS processing for geodynamic studies. Advances in GPS Data Processing and Modelling, London, 09-10 November, 2005.

Ziebart, M., Iliffe, J.C., Cross, P.A. et al. Great Britain's GPS height corrector surface. Proceedings of ION GNSS 2004, Long Beach, California, USA, 2004.


Aquino, M.H.O., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M., Penna, N.T. The establishment of a UK National network of Continuously Operating GPS Receivers (COGRs). Proc. International Symposium on GPS: GPS99, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1999.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Baker, T.F. Separating crustal movements and sea level changes using GPS at tide gauges in the UK. Proceedings of WEGENER 98, The Ninth General Assembly of the Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth-Science Research, pp.90-93, Krokkleiva, Norway, July 1998.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. et al. GPS monitoring of vertical land movements in the UK. Proc. ION-GPS-98, The 11th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, pp.99-107, Nashville, USA, September 1998.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Booth, S.J. et al. Geodetic and geological monitoring of long term crustal movements in the Thames Estuary and Greater London. Proceedings of XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 1998.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Booth, S.J. et al. Monitoring long term vertical land movements in the Thames Estuary and Greater London. Proceedings of XXI International Congress of the FIG, Commission 5, Positioning and Measurement, ISBN 0-85406-901-1, pp.176-188, Brighton, July 1998.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H. et al. Monitoring vertical land movements by GPS for flood and coastal protection. Proceedings of 33rd MAFF Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, Keele, UK, July 1998.

Ashkenazi, V., Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Baker, T.F. Monitoring tide gauge heights in the UK with GPS. Proceedings of XXI International Congress of the FIG, Commission 5, Positioning and Measurement, ISBN 0-85406-901-1, pp.291-303, Brighton, July 1998.

Baker, H.C., Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Buerki, B., Elgered, G., Rius, A., Rothacher, M. The WAVEFRONT project on ground-based GPS water vapour estimation. Proceedings of GIS Brasil 99, Latin American Congress for users of Geoprocessing, July 1999.

Baker, H.C., Dodson, A.H., Jerrett, D., Offiler D. Ground-based GPS water vapour estimation for meteorological forecasting. Proc. 9th Conference on Satellite Meteorology & Oceanography, American Meteorological Society/Societe Meterologique de France, ISSN 1011-3932, pp.523-526, Paris, May 1998.

Bingley, R.M., Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Teferle, F.N., Booth, S.J., Baker, T.F. Using a combination of continuous and episodic GPS data to separate crustal movements and sea level changes at tide gauges in the UK. Proceedings of WEGENER 2000, The Tenth General Assembly of the Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth-Science Research, San Fernando, Spain, September 2000.

Bingley, R.M., Penna, N.T., Dodson, A.H., Ashkenazi, V., Baker, T.F. GPS monitoring of vertical ground movements at UK tide gauge sites since 1990. Proceedings of XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.

Bingley, R.M., Booth, S.J., Penna, N.T., Ashkenazi, V. A geodetic network for monitoring changes in regional ground level in the Thames Estuary and Greater London. Proceedings of XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Birmingham, UK, July 1999.

Bingley, R.M., Penna, N.T., Dodson, A.H. et al. GPS monitoring of vertical land movement at tide gauges in the UK. Proceedings of European Geophysical Society Vening-Meinesz Conference, Sardinia, Italy, October 1999.

Booth, S.J., Bingley, R.M., Penna, N.T., Ashkenazi, V. Monitoring changes in regional ground level using high precision GPS in the Thames Estuary and Greater London. Proceedings of International Symposium on GPS: GPS 99, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1999.

Davies, P., Greaves, M., Dodson, A.H., Bingley, R.M. National Report of Great Britain. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF) held in Prague, ISSN 0340-7691, ISBN 3769696220, pp.224-225, June 1999.

Dodson, A.H., Chen, W., Baker, H.C. et al. Assessment of EGNOS tropospheric correction model. Proc. ION-GPS-99, The 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 7 pages, Nashville, USA, September 1999.

Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Baker, H.C., Higgins, M., Offiler, D. The UK GPS IWV meteorological forecasting impact assessment. Proceedings of International Symposium on GPS: GPS 99, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1999.

Dodson, A.H., Penna, N.T., Baker, H.C., Bingley, R.M., Baker, T.F. Using the UK Permanent GPS Network to assess the significance of ocean tide loading in environmental applications. Proeedings of International Symposium on GPS: GPS99, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1999.

Dodson, A.H., Curtis, D.J., Baker, T.F. Ocean tide loading effects on GPS observations. Proceedings of XXI International Congress of the FIG, Commission 5, Positioning and Measurement, ISBN 0-85406-901-1, pp.439-451, Brighton, July 1998.

Dodson, A.H., Baker, H.C. The accuracy of GPS water vapour estimation. Proceedings of Navigation 2000, Institute of Navigation National Technical Meeting, Long Beach, pp.649-657, January 1998.

Dodson, A.H., Baker, H.C. The effect of tropospheric water vapour on GPS heights. Proceedings of GNSS 98, The 2nd European Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, pp.(V-P-02) 1-5, Toulouse, France, October 1998.

Penna, N.T., Dodson, A.H., Chen, W. Assessment of EGNOS tropospheric correction model. Proceedings of GNSS 2000, 4th European Conference on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Edinburgh, May 2000.

Sibbald, A. The use of GPS in tracking the ranging behaviour of red deer in the Scottish Highlands. Measuring Behaviour 2000, 3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioural Research, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 2000.

Teferle, F.N. Continuous GPS measurements at UK tide gauge sites, 1997-2000. Proceedings of ION GPS 2000, 13th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 8 pages, Salt Lake City, USA, September 2000.